24 November 2008

Fun and games at Bal Mandir!

Below is a report from our new staff member in Nepal covering a recent program we ran:

Two Australian Blues Musicians, Owen Campbell and James Kavannagh, gave a short musical performance at the Bal Mandir orphanage on October 21. About 150 children aged between 4 - 18 were present to enjoy the festivities. The objective for the day was to have fun and entertain the children with music, particularly as it took place during the main festival of the year in Nepal, Dashain. To this end, we arranged for around 50 kids from a nearby child protection home to join us for the afternoon’s program.

The performance was staged in a beautiful courtyard inside Bal Mandir with enough space to conduct games, singing, dancing and playing. When James and Owen first arrived the kids immediately had them engrossed in a massive soccer game!

This was followed by the musical performances with Owen playing the guitar and James singing. They performed nursery rhymes such as Twinkle Twinkle, Baa Baa Black Sheep, If You’re Happy, etc. Many of the children knew the songs so they sang and danced along.

After the performance, there were more games followed by a snack break. James and Owen helped volunteers from Bal Mandir to give snack boxes to each of the children.

It was then time for more playing as the children were still very excited. With their unmatchable enthusiasm they were running around with friends or footballs. It became difficult to gather them once again at the same place. So we decided to attract them with a game.

After a couple of hours everyone including James and Owen were exhausted! James in particular said it was the most exercise he had had in a long while! On bidding farewell, James, Owen and Mitrataa donated the soccer balls to the children at the orphanage.

We must thank James and Owen for their time and also their energy and enthusiasm. They helped to create a very special day for these children and everyone involved thoroughly enjoyed themselves!

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