29 May 2009

Mitrataa in the news in Nepal

Mitrataa was recently in the news in Nepal as a result of Bec’s work on trademark registration for the Nepal Pashmina Industry Association (NPIA). For the past 18 months Bec has been working with NPIA in a strategic advisory capacity to help them create and register a trademark that signified certain of their products were legitimate pashmina products. In many countries the market is now flooded with products from China and India that falsely claim to be made from pashmina. The aim of this project therefore is to create a way for consumers to determine the genuine article and in the process increase export opportunities for Nepali business and the associated benefits that stem from this.

The recent article in The Himalayan Times celebrates the fact that the NPIA logo has successfully been registered as a trademark in Norway, with Australia and a number of other countries also in the process. This is a great result for NPIA and for Mitrataa. Bec has worked tirelessly with her network of law firm contacts around the world to get the best trademark advice and assistance with registration on a pro bono basis. It is testament to her relationship with firms in so many markets that the trademark is in the process of being registered in over 20 countries without NPIA incurring any legal costs other than the fees for application and registration! We want to acknowledge 4 firms in particular who have helped with this project - Rouse, Arent Fox, Baker & McKenzie, and TPC LLC.

The next step for this project will involve a marketing campaign to educate consumers about the different types of products in the market and how to distinguish ‘real’ pashmina ie. by checking for the logo. Down the track we also have very ambitious plans to develop the communities who farm the pashmina goats, providing education for their girls and education and employment opportunities for their women. Pashmina is one of a number of industries indigenous to Nepal and with vast export earning potential.

Well done Bec! Could this be the first Nepali enterprise to hold a trademark registration outside of Nepal?!

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