27 July 2010

Dream Centres' First Birthday!

On 5th July we celebrated a great milestone for Mitrataa - the first birthday of our Dream Centres project. It is one year since our pilot centre opened in New Baneshwor in Kathmandu and what an amazing journey it has been. The second Dream Centre, sponsored by John Wiley & Sons, was opened in December last year.

To celebrate the day both centres held functions involving both existing and past students of the centre. In the lead up to the event all of the current and past students of the centres were asked to write a letter to the future students of the centre telling them about their experiences and the things they had learned from completing the skills for learning, skills for life program. These letters were placed in a box and will be given to girls who attend the centres in the future to read. A couple of girls read their letters to the group on the anniversary day and it was great to see their improved confidence in presenting as well as hearing their own personal thoughts on the program. 

In addition to the letter reading the girls performed some dances and played games that had been organised by the Dream Centre facilitators. This included quite a few rounds of the very popular hangman! The girls at the Baneshwor centre also did some paintings which were then used to decorate the centre.

The day provided a wonderful opportunity to reflect on the great progress the Dream Centre project has made, all of which couldn't have been done without our fantastic tutors and management staff in Nepal - thanks guys! The third and fourth centres, sponsored by MLC School and another by Wiley, are being prepared right now with the next opening scheduled for October so stay tuned...

1 comment:

Diwakar said...

Thanks Adam for this post. I just want to correct that the date was 5 July, not 6.